A colourful pie chart.

Want your voice to be heard? Surveys and the end user.

You may remember that back in August we conducted online/telephone surveys on current accessibility measures and hopes for the future of Audio Description. We received 127 responses which have been invaluable to our research – but what encouraged participants to respond?

The pie chart on the left displays percentages and text on the right describes each slice in the pie.

32% of our participants found out about the survey by email, which was sent to and distributed by different groups and individuals. Over 30% of our participants heard about the survey through a charity. Huge thanks to all the groups and organisations that helped us disseminate the call for participants, here are some of them:

The pie chart on the left displays percentages and text on the right describes each slice in the pie.

31% of our participants told us that their primary motivation for taking part in the survey was their interest in Audio Description, and 24% indicated they participated because they believe in promoting research on accessibility. For 12% of those who took part, our survey gave them the opportunity for their voice to be heard. With these reasons in mind, and overwhelming 83% of participants said they were happy to be contacted in the future.

Thanks to all those who took part in the survey! We’re committed to involving the end user in our research and these results have been invaluable to understanding user perspectives on the current state of Audio Description as well as the potential for future improvements. Once more thank you very much to everyone who participated!

Morgan French