Visible Mending
Our latest production, the BAFTA-nominated Visible Mending, can be played with the embedded video player below. You can access the full film through the embedded video player below. There are two soundtracks available and you can select which one to listen to by going to the settings symbol (the cog) and selecting the soundtrack you'd like to listen to. By default, the video is set to the original soundtrack, so please change it to the EAD version before playing which is called 'English UK Audio Descriptions'.
This section contains a list of blog posts featuring our videos.Women In Research Talk 2024
Mariana's talk titled 'On Roses and More... reflections on inclusion in sound design practices' for the Women in Research Network now is available online. In her presentation she shared insights from her personal journey of inclusion and exclusion, alongside our innovative EAD research. Find out more.
Visible Mending BAFTA Nomination
Congratulations to the Visible Mending Team on their BAFTA Nomination! Find out more.
Leeds School of Arts
On 27 April 2022, Mariana gave a talk titled Enhanced Audio Description - Sound, Design, Creativity and Integrated Access at the Leeds School of Arts, now archived on YouTube. Find out more.
Shelf Life
In this post, you can watch our short film Shelf Life and read about why we made it. Find out more.
Pearl is a short film (Palumbo, 2014) whose soundtrack was redesigned as part of our project in 2016. The soundtrack uses the EAD principles to provide an accessible experience for visually impaired audiences, that is based on creative sound design practices, including binaural audio and first person narration. Find out more.
BBC Sounds Amazing
On 25 Oct 2020, Mariana gave a presentation at BBC Sounds Amazing - Celebrating Innovation in Audio. Find out more.
AES Annual Meeting and Lecture
On 7 Feb 2018, at King's College London, Mariana (then elected chair) gave a public lecture after the annual meeting. The meeting was followed by a social at the Shakespeare’s Head in Holbourn. Find out more.
EAD Video Trailer
In this post you can see and hear our first video trailer for the project featuring Mariana, Gavin, Warren and Maxine. Find out more.
On Audio Games and Accessibility
As part of our research on the use of sound design to make films and TV programmes inclusive, we have been looking into the field of Audio Games, that is, games in which audio is the main way of communication and entertainment and which can be played regardless of one’s sight condition. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Gabriela Ortiz from Percepciones Textuales. Based in Buenos Aires, she explores her work in the field of accessibility as well as the Argentinian and Latin American context. Find out more.
The Rest Is Just Noise Interview
In this interview with Hasina Begum, Mariana reflects on her academic journey while discussing her research projects, including EAD, and shares insights on her approaches to equality and diversity, work-life balance, and prioritising wellbeing. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Sanjit Samaddar a lecturer and researcher of interactive media with expertise linking user experience, design, and accessibility. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Professor Hannah Thompson, a partially blind academic and activist whose work focuses on the intersections between critical disability studies and French studies. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Michelle Duxbury, who challenges traditional art hierarchies by exploring identity, body & landscape through embroidery, film & installation, as a disabled/neurodivergent, and multidisciplinary artist from a working-class background. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Ana Tamayo, whose research focuses on audiovisual translation and accessibility in different modalities, and specifically on media accessibility and minoritised languages, mostly Basque and sign languages. Find out more.
The Mix Room Interview
The EAD methods featured in The Mix Room with Genelec podcast. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Jonathan Penny, who currently oversees the delivery of subtitles, audio description and signed content for Channel 4's linear and on-demand platforms. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Elle Chante, a UK based musician exploring the reality of complex mental health and disability into her work. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Dr. Samantha Moore an animator and researcher with an interest in documentary, science and art, practice as research. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Dr. Kulnaree Sueroj, who has recently graduated with a PhD from the School of Arts and Creative Technologies at the University of York. Find out more.
In this episode, Mariana interviewed Amelia Cavallo, a blind, USA-born theatre practitioner, academic, and workshop facilitator who works as a multidisciplinary performer, musical director, lecturer, and consultant on access and audio description. Find out more.
In this episode, Mariana interviewed Maria Oshodi whose work is experimental, intersectional, and pushes the artistic and aesthetic boundaries between experience, identity and place. She founded Britain’s leading performing arts company of visually impaired artists Extant and collaborates with other artists, freelancing on a number of independent arts projects. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Dr Anna Bramwell-Dicks, interdisciplinary lecturer in Interactive Media within the School of Arts and Creative Technologies. Find out more.
In this episode Mariana interviewed Joseph Inman, a film director working in Cornwall, director of Spines. Find out more.
We're pleased to introduce our new podcast, DARCI, which stands for Disability, Accessibility, and Representation in the Creative Industries. Our first episode is a brief introduction to what we hope DARCI will achieve and to what our team members have been working on. Find out more.
Mariana's Interview on the Field & Foley Podcast
Mariana had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ben Reichstein on his captivating podcast, Field & Foley. Find out more.
Olivia Gerber-Morón and Agnieszka Szarkowska at our Conference
You can listen to the presentation Olivia and Agnieszka gave at our conference, in our 7th podcast, titled What Makes a Good Subtitle? - Understanding People’s Views on Subtitling Quality. Find out more.
Maria Oshodi at our Conference
You can listen to the presentation Maria gave at our conference, in our 6th podcast, titled A Brief History of Integrating Description in Theatre by Visually Impaired Artists. Find out more.
Kerr Castle at our Conference
You can listen to Kerr's presentation at our conference, in our 5th podcast, titled An Audio Art Form - Accessing the Visual of TV with Audio Description. We uploaded the pod under his previously published interview. Find out more.
Lauren Ward at our Conference
You can listen to the presentation Lauren gave at our conference in our 4th podcast titled Television Dialogue; Balancing Audibility, Attention and Accessibility. Find out more.
Review on Our Conference
We haven’t had a blog post for a while, but we are now back with some news, a new podcast and some reflections from Mariana! Find out more.
The Screening at TATE Britain
On 23 Sep 2017 we hosted a digital exhibition in the TATE Britain, London to showcase the research of the project into how sound design techniques can be used to rethink accessibility to film and television for visually impaired audiences. Find out more.
AD, the Art of Access, London
On 21 October, the Marian gave a presentation at the Audio Description - the Art of Access Conference, in the Young Vic Theatre, London in Panel 2, The Aesthetics of Access. The presentation's title was Integrating Sound Design to Audio Description. Find out more.
York Festival of Ideas
We have uploaded our first podcast which contains audio extracts from Mariana’s talk at York Festival of Ideas on June 13 2016. Find out more.
Our podcast can also be enjoyed via our playlist on our Soundcloud account.